Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Disney day was finally here!!

"How am I supposed to go to sleep tonight?  This is worse than the night before Christmas!!"

If you think the above quote is from Jake, you would be wrong.  That was what I was saying the night before we left for our Disney trip!  Surprisingly, I was able to sleep ok that night...but I was definitely ready to jump out of bed when that alarm went off to leave for the airport!  It was both of the kids first time flying, so I was a little nervous about that.  Nervous about schlepping all of that stuff through the airport, getting through security, and just about them on the flight in general.  Turns out, I had nothing to worry about (at least on the way down, on the way home was a bit more rocky)  We breezed right through security, kids were angels waiting at the gate, and even angels on the plane. 

I was worried about Liam's ears since he's had so much trouble in the past, so I bought a little bag of jelly beans for each kid to chew on during take off and landing.  They didn't mention anything during take off; Liam was asleep during landing, and Jake just asked Brian why his ears felt funny.  Success!! 

We stepped off the plane right on time around 11:10am....goodbye freezing cold Pittsburgh, hello sunny Florida!  Nana and PopPop were on a different flight, so we waited for them before boarding the Magical Express.  Once they arrived, we made our way to the correct line for the bus (which looked long and intimidating, but moved fairly quickly...I'd say we had to wait about 15 minutes or so to board the bus)  Onward, to the Art of Animation!! 

I'll do a separate post with resort pics and whatnot, but once we arrived to our resort, check in went smoothly and our room was ready (early, score!)  We went to the food court to grab lunch then headed to our rooms.  It was around 2pm at this point, so if anyone is wondering about timing of the transportation and such, there's a good estimate for you. 

The boys, Brian, and Nana hit the pool for a bit while I waited for our luggage to be delivered.  Once we got all of that settled, we headed to Downtown Disney for our first dinner reservation at the T-Rex Cafe.  I would subtract a few points for the loud volume of this place, but they would redeem themselves for atmosphere for kid appeal and the food.  We all enjoyed our dinners, and the kids thought it was super cool.  Well, except for when some of the animatronic dinos came a bit too close to Liam for his own comfort.  But overall, I'd recommend if it you have little ones!!

Too close, Pappy....too close!!

After dinner, we walked around for just a bit but it was getting late, so we headed back to the hotel to get some rest...we had a lot to look forward to, the next day was Magic Kingdom!! 

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