Thursday, September 5, 2013

Here I am!!

You've missed me terribly, yes?  Dry your tears, I'm back! 

My last post was on August 8th; prior to that, I wrote a post about how I was being a blog slacker due to the fact that it was summer, and the fact that I had recently become Scandal-obsessed.  I'm pleased to announce that the madness of August is past us....we had another successful luau party (I promise a post with pics soon), did some other fun summer stuff during the last official month of summer, and got Jake started at kindergarten.  YES, kindergarten.  A post to follow about that, I promise. 

In the time since I last posted, I finished up watching Scandal (2 seasons of back-to-back episode binge watching = a girl who is VERY excited for season 3 to start at the beginning of October), read a few books, fed my family a lot of things that would not be considered a real meal (though I received the award for "coolest mom ever" the day that I slapped some fruit and cupcakes on the table and called it dinner).....which has led me to realize that I need to get my act together and get back into the habit of meal planning/prep on the weekends (or that I just need to hit the lottery and find myself a personal assistant, chauffeur, and cook, which would solve a lot of my problems) but I digress.....and I've sent my first baby off to school on the big cheese wagon and he's survived the first few days.  And so have I.  Barely at times, but we're all still here.  Much more to come on that later.

Just wanted to get a post out there to assure everyone that we are alive and well....and looking forward to fall, for sure.  Cheers with your PSL!!!!!!!!!

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