Monday, July 29, 2013

My little fish

We went to visit Nana and PopPop a few weeks ago....and lucky us, we got there right in the middle of a 100 degree heat wave!  Fortunately, they have a pool....which is very good, because it was so hot that the only other thing we could have possibly done is sit in air was brutal if you weren't in the water.  The kids had absolutely no objections to this non-stop pool business.

I love the look on Brian's face in this shot!

After dinner on our first night, we took a pool break to have a water gun battle (by "we" I mean all of the guys...Nana and I hid in the garage and I used the camera as an excuse to not be eligible to play)

The next morning, the men headed out to Jacobsburg Park early before it got too hot.
PopPop and his grandsons
dance party on the trail!

That afternoon, it was time for more swimming, of course!!  And jumping. So.much.jumping.  My arms were so sore for days after this trip from helping Liam up and down on the side.  He finally got the hang of the ladder on the 2nd day.  And he became completely insulted if you tried to catch him or give him any kind of help......"Liam do it all-self!!!"    :)

they only break for freezee-pops.

Video of both kids jumping in:

Video of Liam jumping in:  On Saturday morning, we went to visit a friend of Brian's, who has a 1 year old, so it was nice to see them.  And lucky for my kids, Dylan and Jamie happen to have a giant pool complete with a diving board.

Video of the diving board jumps:

And Saturday night, we went to visit Joy and'll never guess what they did there! The nice part about this trip to the pool was that Joy and Keith have two awesome kids, Drew and Hannah who were kind of enough to watch our kids in the pool. It was a win-win: the adults got to sit around and observe the pool without having to get in (enabling us to enjoy some yummy drinks and snacks) and the kids got to play with other kids (and they adore Drew and Hannah, so they were super excited!)

 It was a great weekend, and we survived the heat wave!!

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