Thursday, June 13, 2013

Summer Faves

We are a little over a week away from the official start to summer, and while the weather hasn't always felt that summery, I'm not complaining and I'm in a summer state of mind.  In no particular order, here are some things I'm enjoying or looking forward to this summer:

  • S'mores!  We have not done s'mores in the backyard yet, and that needs to change soon.  Last year, it was so much fun to unwind at the end of a long summer day with a fire, our neighbors, and some s'mores supplies.  The kids don't really like s'mores, they care more about the marshmallows, so that means more for mama!
  • Pool: No, not a community pool or a fancy pool in our own backyard, but this blow up pool that was an amazing $20 investment 2 years ago. 
    The kids stay in there forever, and Brian sets up a nice spot for me with an umbrella and a chair.  Bring me my magazines and Gracie by my side, and I'm all set to supervise and relax at the same time.  (and on super hot days, Brian and I even get in....we've also been known to go down the slip & slide with the kids, too, which Jake thinks is the funniest thing in the world!)
  • Fun music: there's always at least one song of summer, right?   There may never be anything that can top Will Smith's "Summertime", but there's always a fun new song that I find myself turning up in the car, and singing and dancing along to (even if someone is in the backseat, begging me to stop dancing at stop lights)  We still have a lot of summer to go, but so far I am LOVING the new Robin Thicke song, "Blurred Lines".  (I will say that I actually paid attention to the lyrics yesterday when it came on the radio and some of them are probably borderline offensive, but has a catchy beat so I'm just going to pretend like I don't hear those few lines)
  • Beach pants: ok, these aren't actually called beach pants, nor are we going to the beach this year, but the fun coral and mint colored pants that are trendy right now remind me of the beach.  I'm leaning toward a pair in mint, cute for work with a white top and flat sandals, yes?
  • Trashy, Fabulous Summer TV: Summertime tends to bring out the "best" in TV; if, of course, your definition of "best" is absurd, mindless, and meaningless shows.  Which is the ultimate recipe for a TV show for me, so bring it on!!  I am sad to report that we lost a good one this year....farewell, Bachelor will be greatly missed!!  This is nearly as devastating to me as the loss of Paradise Hotel years ago. Don't worry, we've still got the old standbys of So You Think You Can Dance (this one actually IS quality TV and not trashy, but it's summer programming so we're including it on this list anyway), Big Brother, and The Real Housewives of New Jersey.  Bravo hasn't let me down, they're starting up a new show in July called Below Deck, about people who work on a yacht.  My DVR is giddy with anticipation.
  • Fun new nailpolish: I usually treat myself to one new fun nail polish each summer, and my selection this year was Essie's Tart Deco: 
    On a related note, I am also obsessed with their Naughty Nautical, so I may have to splurge and get TWO new polishes this season!

    There's my list!  What are you looking forward to this summer??  

1 comment:

  1. I bought Naughty Nautical, I love it. I also have those pants in Coral (target)
