Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Color Me Rad!!

It took a lot of effort to get that green paint out of my hair.

I posted back in April about how I started running and was trying to get in shape to run a 5K. This is a quote from that original post, where I talk about my goal for the 5K:

 I signed up for a 5K on June 9th; I don't have full confidence that I will be able to run the entire thing by then at all, but even if I can do some, I'll consider it a win.   

I'm proud to report that I should have had more confidence in myself; I ran that whole thing!! :)  I had been able to run the 3.1 miles at my house twice prior to the 5K, so I knew I was capable of doing it, but of course, I was nervous that I would choke and not be able to do it that day.  Big shout-out to my running partner that day, Lisa, as we both kept with each other's pace and completed the whole thing without stopping.  If I hadn't had her, I might have been tempted to walk for a bit of it (especially during the part we had to run on gravel, which made me very nervous!  It would totally be my luck that I'd finally start doing something physical, then break my ankle for the summer)

crossing the finish line
we survived!!
me & Lisa

Aside from the sense of accomplishment I felt, the best thing about doing this race was crossing the finish line and seeing Brian, the boys, and my mom there, cheering me on (with a homemade sign and everything!)  They are the whole reason I started running in the first place, so I loved having them there. 

love these boys.
Jake shows his enthusiasm for the race.
my mom, me, Liam, Brian, Jake

 In case you can't see it in the pics, the sign says "Mommy is RAD, Go Dodging, We're Proud of You".  When I first started going out to run, Jake would call it "dodging" instead of jogging....cutest thing ever, so we have stuck to calling it that :)

I plan to keep up with my "dodging", and maybe...just maybe, sign up for another 5K at the end of summer :) 


  1. Great job, Emmy! Congratulations! :)

  2. Yay, you did awesome! Congratulations on your first 5k. I love the sign, so stinking cute/sweet! The boys are great cheerleaders.
