Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Liam's birthday weekend

I've been a bad blogger.  *putting on my dunce cap*  Here's a recap post of how we spent Liam's birthday weekend!

Liam enjoyed his big day, though the actual day was very low key (his party is this weekend).  He opened up his gifts from us, the big gift being a scooter!  He also got a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal and a copy of The Pout-Pout Fish (a favorite in this house after reading it a lot last summer at the beach with Ben--they have them for $5 at Kohls right now!)

We headed outside after gifts to test out the scooter; he got the hang of it pretty quickly!

The next day, Jake had a tball game in the morning:

Dear Diary-it's my birthday weekend and they still won't let me play baseball on the team.
one of these things is not like the other....

That night, GG & Pappy came up to hang out with the kids so that Brian & I could go to a birthday party for a friend....the theme was 90's with a heavy emphasis on Saved by the Bell, so you know I was all over that.

Kelly + Zach 4EVER

We finished up the weekend with a trip to the zoo- Liam gave an overall rating of 9.5 to his birthday weekend, stating it would have given it a 10 but there needed to be more cake.

"If you are trying to come after my snack bag, we are going to have a serious problem."

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