Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Recap

We started our Easter celebration the weekend before with some egg dyeing, which the kids really enjoyed.  (note to self--buy 2 dozen eggs next year.  It kept them quiet and entertained!)

I gave myself a pat on the back because, unlike last year, I remembered to hard boil the eggs this year.  Yeah, that really happened last year.  Let's not talk about it.

Some of the finished products, ta-da!

My family was up in the holiday-rotation schedule (we alternate Easter & Thanksgiving with both sides of our family), so we headed down to WashPA on Saturday.  The sun came out briefly that day, long enough to get the kids out for a bit.  The cabin fever and depressing weather are starting to get to all of us, so we'll take what we can get.

The Easter bunny was good to the kids this year, they had some fun stuff in their baskets and lots of eggs to find!

You can't see very well, but they each got a Buzz Lightyear umbrella (I found them at Giant Eagle months ago for .50.  No joke, 50 cents!  Nevermind the fact that Liam is probably a danger to himself with an umbrella, but I'll save it for him), a new color wonder marker book, a car, and matching Jake & the Neverland Pirates tshirts.  I forgot to get a picture of it, but they also got this playground accessories kit, ordered from meijer.com.  They are going to love being able to play pirate ship in their swingset!

Note: not my kid

Egg hunt time!

um...I was told there would be candy involved in this holiday??

Gracie sat around, being bitter that there was not an egg hunt that involved treats.

"20 eggs and they couldn't put a single dog treat in one of them??  Not even ONE?"

 These boys were very lucky; they had received baskets earlier in the week from Nana & PopPop, then even more on Easter from GG & Pappy, AND Uncle Nate and Aunt Katie!!  Thank you for all of the fun stuff :)

As always, I insisted on shoving everyone onto one couch and messing with the timer on the camera multiple times until we got a decent shot.  Our family had a great Easter, we hope you did, too!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a great Easter! (As you may have noticed) we do the group shots every holiday too... I so wish I had done it sooner when my Gram and step-father were still living. Those group shots will become treasures. The genealogist opinion me asks that you remember to label and date them -- real names, not nicknames. Your grandchildren will thank you. :)
