Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Picture Day, put on your fancy pants!!

Today is picture day at school!  Originally, I had a sweater picked out for Jake that coordinated with the colors in Liam's button down shirt that I planned for him to wear.  Those plans went out the window when Jake saw them and said, "Oh no, mommy...that's not going to work.  For picture day at school, I have to wear something really fancy!"  What qualifies as fancy to my 5 year old?  A clip-on tie (that was too small) and a button down shirt (that was too big)  :-)  How could I say no?? 

He requested that Liam wear a tie as well, but Liam's tie was green and they get their picture taken together, so I didn't want them to look like they were posing for a Christmas card.  I can't wait to see how these turn out!

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