Friday, February 15, 2013

A day late, but Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!  We never do too much for Valentine's Day (especially when it falls on a weekday), but it was a nice day nonetheless.

Well, I wasn't able to sleep in, but I did get the next best thing from Brian---Reeses Cups and a bottle of my new favorite wine, pink moscato.  He knows the way to my heart is through a good combo of peanut butter and chocolate.

The kids were super excited for their party at school, which involved pizza, jello and strawberry milk.  When they woke up in the morning, they found their gifts from Brian & I on the kitchen table; Liam got a Little Einsteins book and Jake got a box of Cars chocolate.

Conversation with Jake on the way home from school yesterday:

Jake: Mommy, I have to tell you something...I'm sorry to say that you are not my valentine anymore.

Me: Oh yeah?  Who's the lucky girl who's taken my place??

Jake: It's Maddie.  She's my valentine.  At least, I think she is.

Last week's conversation about Maddie included this gem from Jake: "Mommy, I think Maddie might be my girlfriend.  Or maybe we're just friends.  I'm not actually sure what is happening!"

Young love.

Since the beginning of February, I had been doing a Pinterest inspired project; the original post called it a Heart Attack, and basically, you cover their bedroom door with hearts and write on each one a different reason why you love them.  I found the template for the hearts here and just printed the hearts on colored paper.  Every night, we taped a different heart to each door---the boys LOVED it!  Even Liam, who didn't really get it, was just excited to see new hearts every morning.  It was fun, we'll definitely do it again next year. 

The boys made us valentines at school that are adorable, but I forgot to snap a picture last night, so I'll be sure to post those soon.  Happy Friday!!!

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