Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Sangria

I sent Brian to Aldi (my idea of frugal heaven) a few days before Christmas and he came home with everything on my list and some type of fruit that I could not identify.  Conversation:

Me: What are those?
Brian: Pomegranates. They were on sale for less than $1 a piece.
Me: Oh.  Ok.  What do you do with them?
Brian: I'm not sure.  We can just google it.

And they say women are impulsive buyers for things that are on sale.

A quick google search showed that you actually consume bits of things that look like seeds.  And each piece of fruit gives you a lot of seeds.  A LOT.  We had 4 of these things.  We had also received a huge crate of nice oranges from my mother-in-law.  An abundance of fruit, just before Christmas?  Sounds like it's time to search my pinterest board to figure out a way to use it that involves alcohol!

Original recipe can be found here, but I changed it to involve the oranges (instead of limes).  I also left out the grand marnier because we didn't have any, and it's expensive.  We keep it classy!

  • 1 bottle white wine (I used chardonnay)
  • 3 cans 7up or Sprite
  • Seeds of 1 pomegranate
  • slices of orange
  • ice
*I put the fruit and the wine in the pitcher the night before so that the fruit could soak, then just added in the sprite right before serving.

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