Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tee! Tee! Tee! Moe Tee!!!

 The translation for the title of this post is, "Tree! Tree!  Tree!  More Tree!"  It's LiamSpeak, in case you didn't realize :) 

The Christmas tree is up in our house, and it's a beauty!! 

The kids LOVED decorating this year, and I'm happy to report that we only had one little incident with a broken ornament.  Totally my fault, too; I sorted through all of them and handed the kids a box of ones that were non-breakables, but I guess I accidentally left a glass one in there.  I heard Liam say, "Ball? Ball?" and turned around just in time to watch him throw it to the ground.  Oops. 

But so far, they've both been great about leaving the tree alone, other than standing back and admiring it (and some non breakables that are conveniently all clustered on the bottom)  There's a reindeer ornament that Liam is OBSESSED with, and every time he wants past the room, he has to go in and give it a kiss.

Admiring his beloved reindeer ornament.
"Why are these lights so bright?  I need a nap"

 Some new favorite ornaments that we received since last Christmas:

I picked up a box of these antique-y looking ornaments at a yard sale over the summer....the glitter makes a huge mess, but they're fun to look at!

Oooooh, sparkle, sparkle!!

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