Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Surprise date!

I had been wanting to have a "date day" with Jake for a little while now, so when the new Pixar movie, "Wreck it Ralph" came out, I figured that was a good excuse to take him somewhere special.

I took a 1/2 day from work yesterday and didn't tell Jake what we were doing, and just picked him up as a surprise at school in the afternoon!  He was so excited!

The movie was only showing in 3D, which I was a bit nervous about for him, but he was totally fine with it.  What he wasn't really fine with, was the movie itself.  :(  I take that back--he was ok with it until about the last 15 minutes or so, then something happened in the movie and I felt him stiffen up in his chair and he said, "Please take me home.  I don't like this movie anymore!"  Oops.  We were able to stay (he just climbed in my lap), and he was ok by the end, but still said as we were leaving, "I never, ever want to see Ralph again, mommy". 

Personally, I enjoyed the movie.  It wasn't my favorite Pixar movie (that spot will always, always, always belong to Toy Story), but it was good, and it really did have a good moral story to share.  I enjoyed the cameos of characters from old school games (it was nice to see you, Pac Man!). 

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