Monday, October 22, 2012

Zoo Boo 2012

If you've been following my blog for any period of time, you probably know that one of our annual fall traditions is hitting up the Zoo Boo event held at the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium.  The weather was perfect this past Sunday to venture out for another day of fun! 

I now present to you, the kiddos Halloween costumes 2012!

My little Iron Man & Puppy Dog were ready to go.  I swear, Liam was more enthused about his costume than he was showing in this picture.  that's the only one I have of him by himself, but he had just woke up from a car nap.  The head of the puppy is attached with snaps to the costume itself, but it would still fall back all the time....every single time it would fall down, he'd say, "Uh-oh!" and look at someone to fix it for him. 

GG was able to join us again this year!

The zoo was definitely the most crowded it's ever been for this event (I think it was a combo of good weather and the Steelers having a night game....Steelers games are usually good crowd control), but we had a good time.  It's so funny seeing all of the kids running around in their costumes, pointing out other kids.  Jake would walk by and we'd hear "whoa!  Look, it's Iron Man!"  like it was a celebrity sighting. 

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