Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Fun

For as much as I may gripe complain incessantly about how much I hate super hot weather (take today for example---95 degree, melt-directly-to-the-pavement kind of weather), I really do like summer.  On the more mild days.  When there's little humidity.  And evenings when it cools off.  So yeah...I like about 50% of summer.

Favorite summer things, in no particular order:

Fun, bright nail polish
Currently wearing my new Essie "Cute as a Button":

Ice Cream
Is there really anything more refreshing than a nice, big serving of ice cream on a summer day?  I think not.  Bonus points if that ice cream comes from my favorite place, Dave & Andy's.   Coming to visit Pittsburgh?  Yeah, yeah....people may go on and on about Primanti's, but really...the gem of the city is Dave & Andy's if you're an ice cream fan.  The smell inside that shop is intoxicating.

Sweet, sticky, goodness, normally made in the cool of the evening (see criteria for enjoying summer above), s'mores on a fire just scream summer to me.  They're even better when shared with friends and neighbors!

I found this new recipe for Rolo S'Mores on pinterest, we might have to give those a try soon, YUM!

Trashy Summer TV
We all know I love my guilty pleasure TV shows, and summer is the king of the seasons when it comes to this.  So You Think You Can Dance, Dallas, The Bachelorette, Bachelor Pad, Big Brother, The Real Housewives of NJ, and Love in the Wild are the ones I'm tuning into this summer.

Picnics and BBQ's
I love appetizers, dips, cheeseburgers, and desserts....these items are the standard fare at most picnics and BBQ's.  Sign me up! 
I have no idea what is going on in this picture, but it popped up when I did a google image search for cheeseburgers.  Chihuahua Cheeseburger Slippers? Awesome.

We skipped our annual trip to the beach with the BFF's last summer because Liam was so young, but we are more than ready to return there this year!!  Packing and vacation lists have been edited, sorted, and printed, piles of beach things are starting to stack up in our guest room, and we are counting down the days.

Descriptive title, right?  I love just the feeling of summer, probably going back to being a kid and having no worries, other than where I was playing that day, and how late I could stay out before I got drug in the house for bedtime.  We're more lax with bedtime in the summer, and it's nice because our evenings typically feel so rushed, that even letting them stay out an extra 30 minutes in the evenings makes a big difference.  Lazy days of summer, indeed.

What are your favorite things about summer?

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