Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

We had a great weekend celebrating all of the dads in our lives (and will get to tonight, too...Nana and PopPop are coming to visit for the week!)  The celebration started at school on Friday; there were crafts from the kids, and some games for the kids and dads.

rock painting (with his buddy, Zach)
Liam came to the party, too!
sleeping bag races (love this shot!)
"I'm Hooked on you, dad" gift from Jake, complete with a bag of Goldfish snacks :)
Gift from Liam

On Sunday, the main gift from the kids was that they both slept in until 6:30, haha! (and yes, that is "sleeping in" for these kids.  If you leave a comment about how your kids sleep in until 8am, and you just can't imagine getting up every day of the week by 6am, I will ban you from this blog.  I promise.) After that glorious stretch of sleep, we all headed downstairs to give Brian his gifts.  First, Jake gave him the transcription of the "interview" I had done with him about daddy:

some of his answers had us cracking up (ie-What does daddy's hair look like?  Jake's answer: a grasshopper  Where did you and Daddy meet?  Jake's answer: at the library).  We also got him a new pair of swim shorts, a tshirt, and this cool canvas picture to put on an easel in his office (from site!):

Later that morning, we went to spend the day with GG, Pappy, Uncle Nate, and Aunt Katie.  The rain held off, and we had a nice time playing outside (yes mom, even I had a nice time outside!)

There was some relaxation:

Chillin' with Uncle Nate
"Can someone grab me a sippy cup??"

Some eating:

And some sports:

They look so thrilled to be watching the games in the yard!

I have to share both of these pictures because the first one of Liam touching Larry's nose makes me giggle:

Happy Father's Day to Brian, both of our dads, and all of the dads out there...we hope you enjoyed your day!

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