Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What we've been up to....

This past weekend was busy, but fun for us.  Jake had his first tball game (finally!  He missed the first one due to being sick, and it was rained out last week).  Brian is coaching, they both had a great time :)  I was at a baby shower (sad to miss the game!) so there aren't too many pictures, I'll be sure to take some more and get a video during this week's game.

Sunday brought lots of sunshine and unexpected warm temperatures, so we ended up outside most of the afternoon.  Brian and Jake got to work pulling some weeds, while Liam enjoyed feeling the grass on his feet.  Gracie supervised, as always (in her fresh, new spring haircut!) 

Our next few weekends will primarily be spent at tball, then prepping the house for Liam's birthday party!  As long as the weather cooperates, we'll be having it outside, so we're trying to get everything done out there (mulch, plant flowers, etc....) 

In related news, I need to step away from the party planning.  We are doing a "Where the Wild Things Are" theme, and what started out as a simple idea ("Oh, I'll just do a few touches of the theme here and there, no big deal") has quickly snowballed into me hoarding together tons of ideas and now I'm at the point where I need to narrow them all down so that I'm not completely overwhelmed by everything. It's amazing how enabling some sites are (I'm looking at you, Pinterest!)  But, I'm really excited for the party, and I think the theme will be very cute :)  A little preview from the image I'm using for the invitation.....

We'll see you in a few weeks for the Wild Rumpus recap! :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear they made the decision for you guys on the ears! I hope he has instant relief as others have said!

    Where does Jake play his tball games at?! Kinsley is doing it with I9 as well and we have her games at Schwartz field! Just curious if I would see you there!!
