Wednesday, May 16, 2012

One year ago today....

I was sitting in a triage room at Magee, hooked up to some monitors, thinking that I was going to be admitted overnight for monitoring while they increased my dosage of blood pressure medication.  Little did I know, that my doctor would abruptly change his mind and instead say, "I think we should have a baby tonight!"  I was 36 weeks, 5 days, and so freaked out that I couldn't even form a sentence to respond to that.  (full birth story with detail freakout can be found here)

After pulling myself together and talking everything over, we decided that the doctor was right; it was for the best if we went ahead and induced.  It was one of the best decisions that we've ever made, because it meant that we got to meet Liam even earlier than we had anticipated, and now here we are getting ready to celebrate his first birthday! 

In anticipation of his big day tomorrow, here is a video taken last week of him cruising along the couch: