Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rat Tail, no more!

I couldn't deny it any longer, Liam was definitely starting to develop a rat tail. But the hair was really only growing long in the back and a bit around his ears, so I really didn't want to have to take him somewhere since he didn't need his whole head trimmed yet.  We decided to try out a DIY hair cut at home. 

Here is the before shot:

Liam was not happy with the process...we started out trying to use tiny baby nail scissors, but that was pretty useless.  We had to break out the big guns and use a real trimmer.  Much better results!

And the after!  It's not perfect, but it's an improvement.

And just for fun, Liam rocked a mohawk at school yesterday...apparently, the teachers were quite amused by his new style:

You got a problem with my hair??


  1. Well I must saw I like the rat tail but the mohawk is awesome & his smile is adorable! The daycare ladies must love him!

  2. I'm sorry, but the action shots of the hair cut are awesome! :) Liam is adorable, no matter how he wears his hair.
