Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Zoo Boo!

We look forward to Zoo Boo every year; it's just a great excuse to get another use out of the Halloween costume and of course, we always have fun at the zoo.  My mom was able to join us for the fun this year, too!

Jake wasn't too interested in seeing many of the animals this trip, mainly because he was so distracted and intrigued by all of the other kids in costume.  It was like he was meeting a celebrity every time he saw someone dressed up, it was so sweet.  He even introduced himself as Batman to a few kids and asked if they wanted to be his friend :)  And, he found a girlfriend at one point...it was hilarious to watch him interacting with her.  He was giggling, trying to follow her around...totally smitten!

Liam power napped through most of the trip, but he did so in style, sporting his zebra costume.  

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