Monday, October 10, 2011

Weekend Recap

It was probably one of the last really warm weather weekends for awhile, so we took advantage of it on Friday night and had dinner outside (although we didn't make it too long after the eating, the bugs are out of control!!)

We kicked off our weekend on Saturday morning with a surprise 30th birthday party for our friend, Lisa.  The party took place at the zoo, so of course Jake was all about it (cake, food, AND the zoo??  sign him up!)  But first, there were donuts to enjoy.....

This is how Liam spent most of the party, though he did wake up for the last hour or so to show off his cuteness to everyone:

Jake and Lisa's son, Aaron, had a great time together and were typical boys, crawling under the tables and "sharing" goldfish snacks.

After nap that day, we were able to visit with the Martinis, who were in town for the weekend, yay!  As always, Ben and Jake had a great time together and Liam got to sit in the bumbo seat for the first time (thanks for the loan, Melissa!)


My mom joined us on Sunday to watch the Steelers game.  But first, we had to go through the HUGE stash of clothes that she brought up for the boys!  She is a pro at consignment sales and scored some really great deals for both boys at a recent was like christmas at our house!

Later in the day, we had a relaxing dinner (Liam enjoyed peas for the 1st time, we'll get to that in a later post), followed by a marathon of board games per Jake's request, while Liam logged in some more time in the bumbo.

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