Monday, October 17, 2011

Road Trip!

We took a road trip this past weekend that served 2 purposes: 1, to visit Brian's family and 2, to meet our friend's new baby girl!  (our friends live in Texas, but their parents happen to live near Brian's family, so they were having a "meet the baby" party while in town...worked out well for us!)

We drove out on Friday morning and unfortunately, the weather didn't cooperate for a trip to the pumpkin patch as we had hoped, but it was good for baking cookies and building forts with Aunt Amy!

The weather was much better on Saturday, so Brian & PopPop decided to take Jake to a nearby state park to walk the trails and throw some walnuts into the stream...he had a blast!

Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of baby Nicole at the party, but trust me, she was a cutie!  later that afternoon, Joy & her family stopped by to visit.  Joy was completely initiated into Liam's circle of friends when she picked him up above her head and he promptly spit up, within a centimeter or so of her mouth.  close call!  

Brian's aunt & uncle also stopped by later that evening, so we were able to have lots of visits in such a short period of time.   

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