Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Recent Jake quotes

*He came into the room while I was pumping one day, stopped dead in his tracks and said, "Mommy!  You are making so much milk!  Baby Liam is going to be so happy!"

*The song "Black and Yellow" came on the radio in the car one day and Jake immediately asked me to turn it off.  When I asked him why he didn't want to hear it he said (with that "duh" tone to his voice), "The Steelers do not play today, mommy so we can't listen to a Steelers song."

*After going to a Scooby Doo themed birthday party, Jake requested to start watching the show; it's become his new favorite, but he refers to it as "Scooby Dooby" :)

*He always gives me a full report when I pick him up from school as to whether or not he had any Liam sightings that day.  If he didn't actually see Liam himself, he will tell me, "I couldn't see baby Liam in the baby room today, but I did see his car seat in the window.  I checked on it for you.  It was ok."

*He was having a hard time settling down to go to sleep one night recently, so I told him that if he wanted to, he could leave his nightstand lamp on until he was ready to go to sleep as long as he was quiet.  I guess he hadn't heard lights being referred to as "lamps" before, because his eyes grew huge and he said "Lamp?  Is there a genie in there??".  The look of disappointment on his face when I had to break the news that there was no genie was heartbreaking... 


  1. Jake couldn't be any cuter. How sweet of him to check on his baby brother Liam! And the steeler song, too cute!

  2. I am *SO* loving his Steeler comment about the song... funnily enough, I think of that song as a Steeler song, too! hahaha! Would you mind if I shared this story (with you guys being anonymous, of course), with some fellow fans I know? =)
