Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Labor Day Weekend 2011

Sometimes, I feel like I live for 3 day weekends. I measure time at work in between paid holidays. (thus, the time between Labor Day and Thanksgiving seems to draaaaaaaaaag) We spent our Labor Day weekend visiting the Martini family in Virginia! The boys had a fun time reuniting, as always.

On Sunday morning, we headed out to Great Country Farm to participate in their potato dig. Our reason for going was two-fold; the adults got some potatoes out of the deal and the kids were forced to do some manual labor (in the hopes of wearing them out before nap time!)

The farm had so much stuff for kids to do! We enjoyed a pancake breakfast, tractor ride, train ride, playgrounds and a moon bounce.

Liam enjoyed his time at the farm by taking a nice long nap while Brian carried him around in the Ergo, then had a little snack, then took in all of the sights and sounds for the last hour or so.

On Sunday evening, the men headed into DC for the night to celebrate Brian's 30th birthday. They enjoyed themselves (even though they headed back to the hotel early in the night and still woke up out of habit at 6am!), and we had a girls night back at the house once the kiddos were in bed.

Thanks for having us, we look forward to the next visit! :)

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