Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Jake: Unsupervised.

Last night after work, Jake was coloring and putting some stickers in books in the playroom.  I told him I was going to start dinner, and to keep playing nicely by himself.  I put Liam in the bouncy seat in the kitchen, get dinner started....elapsed time of approximately 5 minutes, I peek my head into the playroom to check on Jake & find this:

Me: Jake, where are your clothes, why are your underwear backwards and what are you doing exactly?

Jake: *sigh* Mommy.  (said as if I should clearly know the answers to my questions)  I am a transformer.  So I had to take off my clothes and transform my underwear.  My legs have lasers.  These are my wings.  Is dinner ready yet? 

Love this kid.


  1. That's awesome. Definitely a story (and photo!) to break out in the future. :)

  2. Bwahahaha! Can I just say: I love your kid! ;-) That's awesome! And definitely something to break out when he starts trying to bring girls around! ;-D
