Monday, July 11, 2011

Double the kids, double the stuff.

Hey moms who are having another baby or thinking about having another one, here's a little warning for you: baby stuff + already existing kids stuff = a LOT of stuff. Yeah, I know, that seems like an obvious thing to point out, but I think I must have blocked out of my mind how bulky all of the baby stuff is. Or, maybe it's just because when I was pregnant with Jake, I looked at the swing, playmat, etc...and just thought "aww, stuff for the baby! I love it! we'll make room! we don't need our furniture!" Whereas this time, we pulled all the stuff back out & I thought "OMG. Did this stuff grow since we used it for Jake? why is it so big??" Add that deluded frame of mind to the fact that we had to make room for this bulky stuff alongside all of Jake's toys and all of a sudden, we had a very crowded play room!

The nice thing is, we had kept everything from Jake & it was all in good shape, so we didn't really have to buy anything. We did buy a new bouncy seat, which is the best $30 I spent on Liam so far :) Lifesaver! We got this Bright Starts seat:

I highly recommend it; the music isn't annoying (score!) and it bounces by itself...genius!

The other main piece of gear I'm thinking about buying is a space saver high chair, like this Fisher Price one:

We still have the Chicco high chair we used for Jake, which was fine, but it's We have an eat-in kitchen in this new house, but the table is smaller and I hate to stuff a gigantic high chair behind it and have it take up half of the room. The spacesaver seems like a good idea, so I've been stalking craigslist for the past week. No luck just yet (at least none that are within a reasonable drive), but I'll keep looking. If I'm able to find a used one, I'll put our chicco up for sale.

So I'm pretty much just accepting the fact that there will always be a new rotation of gear & toys. Now it's the teeny-tiny infant stuff; before I know it, we'll be busting out the exersaucer and actual toys for Liam. Then, the next thing I know, the boys will be wanting to turn the play room into their cool hangout & put in a pool table and a big screen TV, and whatever the newest gaming system is. (now pushing thoughts of having teenage boys out of my mind--they're going to be my little boys forever, RIGHT??)

*This post contains affiliate links, which means that if you purchase something from a link above, I will receive a small monetary compensation. 

1 comment:

  1. we have that high chair and it has worked so well since we didn't want a full sized one. It's nice to be able to just attach it to an existing chair.
