Tuesday, July 26, 2011

10 weeks today

I can't believe Liam has been here for 10 weeks (I also can't believe I go back to work in 2 weeks from today, but that's a whole other post...) We had his 2 month check up today, here are the stats:

weight: 11 lbs, 3 oz (27th percentile)
height: 23.75 inches (69th percentile)
head: 40 cm (44th percentile)

I went into today's appointment with a suspicion that he had been going through a growth spurt, considering the fact that he's been basically attached to me the last 2 nights from 5pm-10pm, constantly nursing. I think I was right...when he checked into Childrens Hospital last Friday night (so 10 days ago), he was 10 lbs, 4 oz....today he was nearly a pound bigger! I flipped back through my old posts & it looks like at this point, Jake was 12.5 lbs and 24 inches long, so just a bit bigger.

Overall, everything looked great and Liam was right on track for everything. It was also his follow up visit from the viral meningitis episode, and we're all good there, too. Phew!

for fun, here are some pics to compare Jake & Liam, around the same ages....can you guess who is who?

and the brothers, listening to a story together :)


  1. So glad to hear everything is good now!! I cant believe how much the boys look alike as babies!!So glad to hear everything is good now!! I cant believe how much the boys look alike as babies!!

  2. I'm glad to hear that Liam is doing so well! Great news! I'm going to guess that the top is Liam and the bottom is Jake.
