Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I have to start this post off by saying that this past weekend was the first overnight trip for us since we've had Liam; granted, we only had to drive to Washpa to my parent's house and it was only for one night, but if you saw what we had stuffed into the car, you would have thought we were going on a week-long vacation (my longing for a minivan is back full-force!) I must have blocked from my memory how much stuff is required for such a little person! But I digress....

On Saturday, we went to a wedding reception for my cousin, Alex and his new wife, Kristin (congratulations you guys!) :) Jake had a great time running around with the other kids there and it was nice to see the rest of our family.

Thanks to the magic of grandparents, Brian & I were both able to sleep in on Sunday (glorious!)

We had a visit from our friends Cortney, Kerri & Judy that afternoon:

We played outside & went for a walk...

Then we were joined by Nate & Katie later in the afternoon. It took some coaxing, but Nate did hold Liam, under the strict supervision of Larry the Pug:

Brian's gift from us was a certificate for a massage and while he was excited about that, I think he was even more excited about the gift from my parents. He had been eying up this hideous shirt in my dad's store, Columbia, a few months ago; I was pregnant, nauseous & hormonal that day & pretty much screamed at him for even thinking about buying something so ugly. My dad was then nice enough to secretly buy the shirt for him & hold onto it for a special occasion. Here he is, rocking the shirt with fish all over it:

Seriously, on a scale of 1 to 10, what level of horrid would you rate this shirt? I'd give it at least a 19.

Happy Father's Day to Brian, Jake & Liam (and Gracie) are lucky to have you as their daddy :) And of course, Happy Father's Day to OUR dads and all of the dads, dads-to-be and hopeful dads out there. We hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. The level of horrid is at least 19. Wow. Emmy, YOU look fantastic!
