Monday, May 2, 2011

Take that, daunting checklist!

Remember my post from a few weeks ago, where I was flying into a slight panic mode over the fact that we had so much left to do before baby #2 arrives?? After this weekend, I can say "HA! Take that stressful list, I'm almost done with you!"

A big thank you to my IL's, they came out to visit for the weekend & helped us out with a lot of what was left to do. As my previous post showed off, we got everything put up on the nursery walls & the bedding put together for the crib. BIG check off the list! Yeah, yeah...I know that the baby doesn't actually have any idea whether or not the room is ready, but mama knows :) Brian & his dad got everything out of the attic that we needed; it's amazing how quickly you forget how much "stuff" such a little thing requires. But, it's all cleaned off/washed and has a home now! Jake was happy to be the product tester and was a big fan of the rainforest play mat (which was one of his favorite places to hang out as a baby-some things never change):

Saturday brought some warmer temps and sunshine, so they were able to get some outside stuff done, too. I enjoyed my early mothers day present of a manicure/pedicure, which was fabulous!! :)

I think the only other thing we have to do soon is install the carseats (kind of a key step to being able to bring the baby home). Other than that, we are pretty much ready! Brian & I both packed our hospital bags last weekend, so we're all set there should something suddenly come up. Next weekend, my parents are coming up to help put Jake's new play set together...I can't wait to see the look on his face once it's done!

So for now, I can put my (gigantically swollen) feet up, relax and enjoy the next few weeks :)


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