Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh, cute haircut...why must you tempt me so??

If you're watching Dancing with the Stars this season, you've probably seen this cute girl from the Disney channel:

Look at that cute hair cut!! I made a vow to myself when I found out I was pregnant that I would not chop my hair off (I have this tendency to let my hair grow for a few months, then chop it all off). But, I did that the last time I was pregnant, then I was irritated that my hair was growing so fast that I couldn't keep up with the cut & it just ended up looking sloppy. Plus, since this baby will be born in the summer, I'd like the option to pull it back in a pony tail.

So I'm going to ignore you for now, cute cut! I will NOT cave in and take you on! But we will revisit you in the fall.....


  1. I've been thinking the same thing. I find myself with the same cut I had when I had Keira and then I remember while on maternity leave getting a new cut with layers to go back to work. Mine's shorter but the layers have all grown in so I'll stick with it for now and probably go back to layers in the fall. Although daughter #1 will not be happy b/c she is dying for long hair all one length.

  2. I lov elove love her hair. She is just adorable! Actually, I think I'm going to take her photo with me. I get my hair cut this week and need just a little tweak on what I've got. Thanks! :)
