Thursday, January 6, 2011

Potty Training: 101

I had decided awhile ago that the week after Christmas was IT. The final deadline. The week that diapers would leave our house & not come back until baby #2 arrives. To be honest, I was kind of dreading the potty training...I had the week off from work & I really just had visions of cleaning up accidents and being frustrated for the majority of the time.

In what can only be labeled as a Christmas miracle, potty training was about as easy as I could have dreamed. I hope I don't jinx anything by posting this, but we told him last Monday (12/27) that the diapers were all gone & that he was going to wear big boy underwear all the time. He was excited about wearing the underwear he had picked out, but I was still nervous. However, he totally proved me wrong...I am happy to report that he has only had ONE single accident, and that was overnight. He's even in underwear overnight & for naps! I really wasn't expecting that & even offered a diaper for night time only, but he said he wanted underwear, so we went with it & I'm glad that we did.

He'll probably kill me for posting this later on in life, but here he is showing off his big boy underwear, so proud of himself!

The only slight issue we've come across so far is school. He hasn't had any accidents, but he doesn't want to go there. So, he just holds it. Not good at all!! He's finally going there, but only after nap, which means he's holding it from around 7am when he goes at home to around 3:30 or so when he wakes up. They've tried a number of techniques there...letting him go by himself, sitting with him, standing on the other side of the room, bribery with food/stickers, you name it. Soooo....we'll see what they say today, I really hope that he was able to go before nap :(


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