Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas, from our family to yours.

I was so excited for Christmas this year, even more than usual. I felt like this year was the year that Jake would really get it; he had been learning about all of the holidays at school, singing the songs and asking every day if it was "time for Christmas yet".

The day was finally here! Thankfully everyone (including me) managed to sleep through the night, which was good because we had a big day ahead of us. Brian's family had come in to stay with us 2 days before, and my parents were arriving later Christmas morning, then my brother and his girlfriend would be there in the afternoon.

I couldn't wait to watch Jake enjoy his presents and experience the day through his eyes. We had to hold him back to keep him from running straight into the room with the tree, but here is a video of him once we unleashed the beast:

And then opening the "Cars" DVD that Santa brought for him:

We all got some amazing gifts & we are very grateful that we were able to spend the day with both sides of our family.

And as always, everyone was grateful for our bar.

Finally, it was time to eat!! There were a few mishaps, but really, what's a holiday without some type of incident? Two lessons were learned that day: 1. never allow me in the kitchen without having some burn medicine on hand and 2. always check the table to make sure that the leaf is completely attached before starting to pour red wine. The good news is, the tablecloth was red, so at least it wasn't a total disaster.

I couldn't have asked for a better day...we hope that your Christmas was just as great!


  1. Aww, I love that Jake had such a great time opening presents from Santa. He's just precious. Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!

  2. Sounds like a great time! We seem to spend a lot of time in our bar too.
