Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jake has a message for you....

He's going to be a big brother!! :) We are thrilled to be expecting baby #2; I'm currently 14 weeks along, my due date is June 8th.

After a rough first trimester (I would like to take this moment to thank the manufacturers of Zofran for easing me of some of my nausea), I am starting to come out of the first tri haze and feel a bit more human again. It's a welcome change!

I've had 3 ultrasounds so far, and everything has looked great! I didn't have any ultrasounds this early with Jake, so it was amazing to see how much changes in such short periods of time at this stage (at 6 weeks, it was an unidentifiable blob; just 2 weeks later, I could actually make out tiny legs & arms!) The heart rate has been ranging from 165-180. My next appointment is scheduled for 12/20, which is when I'll get my prescription for my big u/s....we can't wait to see the little one again (and hopefully found out the sex!)

There are many things that have been different this time around, but one of the more noticeable ones is my belly; I didn't show with Jake for a long time, but I feel like I'm already sporting a bump at this point. Here is a belly shot from 12 weeks (on Thanksgiving-picture taken BEFORE stuffing my face all day):

Since there's a pretty good chance I'll be a slacker in terms of keeping track of anything pregnancy related in a book or journal, I'll be using the blog as a space to do that. Stay tuned!


  1. Oh my goodness, look at your cute little bump!!! I miss seeing you and having lunch dates!

  2. Love the bump!!!! I think it is the bets thing about being pregnant. Congrats to you all!

  3. I love the bump -- and miss having one. Do NOT give me baby fever. :) Nice new blog info, too. ;)
