Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Check, check, check!

I almost feel like I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but for once, I feel ahead of the game for Christmas.

Things that are already done:
-Tree is up & decorated
-House is decorated
-98% of presents have been purchased & are already wrapped & under the tree
-Christmas cards are addressed & stamped, just need to be mailed out this week
-Grocery shopping for Christmas day is 95% done
-Toys for Tots gifts purchased & dropped off at donation center

Left to do:
-take Jake to see Santa (we'll probably do this Friday night)
-buy last minute Christmas meal food items (potatoes, veggies, etc...)
-finish up the last few gifts
-Clean house
-Bathe Gracie (she is quite the mess from being out in the snow & slush, we can't have a dirty dog for Christmas)
-Figure out Christmas day outfits for myself & Jake (I'm leaning toward busting out some maternity pants for myself to allow maximum food intake)

All in all, I feel pretty good about my progress!! Brian took the day off today to do some birthday shopping for someone special (ahem...MOI!) but he's also going to pick up a few of those last gifts that we need as well, so we can mark those off the list after today.

I'm glad that I found the motivation to do most of this stuff earlier in the month, it's nice to have a few days to just relax & enjoy the season!

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