Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Zoo Boo!

We got Jake's Halloween costume about 2 weeks ago...nearly everyday since then, he had been asking to wear it. Finally, the big day arrived...Zoo Boo Day! Time to get out the costume! We pull into the parking lot, grab the costume and....he doesn't want to put it on. *sigh* After a bit of coaxing from me ("look Jake, all the other kids have on their costumes! You have to wear one if you want to trick or treat!") he agreed to wear it. Crisis averted.

It was much more crowded this year than last, but we still had a good time. Jake enjoyed his first lollipop, I think he was totally intrigued by it...and it kept him quiet & occupied in the stroller for a long time...score one for the parents!! :)

We're supposed to go trick or treating twice this weekend, at my parent's house on Saturday night, then at our house on Sunday keep your fingers crossed that he agrees to wear the costume this time!

1 comment:

  1. That is an especially awesome photo with the jack o' lantern in the tank! :)
