Monday, May 3, 2010

I left my heart in Pittsburgh.....

....but went to San Francisco. How have I not blogged about this yet?? *tsk, tsk* Pardon my slacking.

I went to San Francisco for a work conference & had a wonderful time! It was great exploring a new city and even better that I had some fun co-workers to keep me company :) Ok, first things first....the city surprised me in a few ways.

  • There were a lot of homeless be expected in a bigger city, but I'm talking in-your-face and tripping-over-on-sidewalks. Call me a crazy bleeding heart, but I was sad to see the state of a lot of people there, especially the teenagers roaming the streets.
  • Apparently, you can take dogs on the buses there. I learned this when a Pit Bull was sitting next to me on the bus ride back from the Golden Gate Park. Later in the week, I saw a little Maltese perched in a woman's lap (side note-can you picture Gracie riding shotgun with me during my morning commute??)
  • It was COLD. Cold as in, I had on a tshirt, a sweater and a coat and was still chilly walking around and could have used another layer.
  • Those trolley streetcar things are fun, but they go very slooooowly. :) The novelty of them had worn off by our 3rd day there....but of course, it was fun to hang onto the outside of it the first few times!


Overall, we hit most of the "tourist-y" spots that we wanted to see...the Golden Gate Park, the Haight-Ashbury district and Fisherman's Wharf (including the sea lions at Pier 39!).

The highlight of the trip for me was probably heading outside of the city a bit to the Mission District for dinner at Emmy's Spaghetti Shack. Yep, you read that name have no idea how excited I was. As I said, it was a bit out of the city and fortunately, my coworkers were good sports about making the trek with me...and it was worth it! The food was awesome AND I got to meet THE was like a celebrity sighting for me!! Who knew the owner would be there on a Saturday night, bussing our table?? I bought my very own Emmy's Spaghetti Shack wife beater as a souvenir and she was nice enough to get a picture with me:

We had a great time and I'm happy to report that I did very well being away from home for those few days and the boys had a great time during their Man Weekend. By the end of the week, Jake had learned how to say "Mama in Sam Fram-a-e-co". And even now, if I'm not around, he tells Brian that that's where I am, haha :)


  1. I was always told that SF had a lot of homeless people b/c of the warmer temps. Yet all 4 times I've been there, it's been chilly! Darn bay wind... I learned the hard way to always take a jacket. Glad you had such a good time!! Next time, you must drive up to wine country!

  2. I'm glad you had a great time!! And Jake is so cute. You've got to get him saying that on video... or rather, Brian does.
