Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy (belated) Mother's Day!

Jake & I spent Mother's Day weekend in Washpa with GG & Pappy since I'm the nicest wife in the whole wide world and told Brian that he could head out to his end of PA to attend a bachelor party (plus, I could always use some type of bribery to fall back on...."The laundry really needs to be done....remember when I let you off the hook for Mother's Day & you got to go to a bachelor party instead??") So, he spent Sunday with his mom, I spent it with mine and it worked out perfectly.

As always, I LOVE the homemade gifts that school sends home from Jake:

On Saturday, it was super windy, but we did get a chance to play outside for a bit. Pappy & Jake began spring training for baseball season:

That night, I met up with my friend Cortney for a drink and some girl time, which is always nice. I made it out until 10pm....I'm not sure what's more impressive, the fact that I was out that "late" or the fact that I was still in real clothes and not PJ's at that hour.

On Sunday, we went to a local restaurant/farm, The Springhouse, for their Mother's Day lunch...it was delicious! If you're ever in need of something to do in Washington (especially if you have kids) head over there...you can get delicious ice cream and desserts (other stuff too, but really....everyone enjoys the sweet stuff the most!) AND they have some animals that you can pet and a huge slide to go down (I'm pretty sure it's some type of lawsuit waiting to happen, but whatever).

In this picture, the goat was trying to eat his shirt & Jake has not stopped talking about this incident since.

I hope all of the mommies/mommies-to-be/furmamas/and hopeful mamas had a fantastic day!


  1. Aww Jake looks like such a big boy! So cute!! That sounds like the perfect place for a toddler-good food, animals, and a slide! It looks like your dad was having just as much fun:) I agree-you definitely got some bribery to fall back on!!

  2. OMG, did not know The Spring House had a website. Just checked out their Saturday breakfast menu, we are so going there! Tim loves their chocolate milk.

    BTW, you need to sign Jake up for sports as soon as he's old enough. Look at his form! I bet he can hit a baseball better than I can.
