Sunday, February 21, 2010

Jake & Mama's Day of Fun

Jake's daycare was closed last Monday for Presidents Day, so I took the day off from work...originally, I was thinking the day would just be spent with the two of us hanging out at home, relaxing and playing all day. Then, Snowpocolypse happened the week before and let me tell you, I was not about to spend another day cooped up inside.

So, we decided to head over to E2 Toys to Try (for Pittsburgh moms-it's in Greentree/Mt. Lebo); we had been there over the summer with some friends and Jake had a great time, so we figured we'd give it another try. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves, but let's just say that I think he had a good time and I'm basing this guess on the fact that I had to drag him out over 3 hours later....

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