Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lazy Weekend

It seems like our calendar quickly fills up every year: weddings, showers, parties, visits to friends and family, etc... So it's always nice when we have a weekend to just relax and hang out.

Saturday morning, we went to the mall and got some great deals at Baby Gap & Children's Place...I got some clothes for next winter for Jake (woohoo, I love a bargain!) We let Jake burn off some energy at the play area in the mall, then headed home.

Somehow, Jake took an amazing almost 4 hour long nap (I wouldn't normally let him sleep quite that long or late during the day, but he's had a cold the past few days, so I figured he could use the extra rest...and frankly, this mama needed the extra rest, too.) A lot of times when Jake naps, Brian & I run around doing household chores or some type of organization project....but not yesterday. Brian announced that he was going to go work out in the basement so I took advantage of that, parked myself on the couch, cloaked in my Snuggie and watched the critically acclaimed (haha!) Lifetime movie "The Pregnancy Pact", followed by an episode of the sleaze-tastic "The Real Housewives of Orange County". Everyone felt refreshed by late afternoon!

Today, we did have plans, but we were super excited for them....Melissa ("Aunt Missa"), Dennis ("Nennis") and Ben ("baby Ben") were in town and came over to visit! Ben & Jake had a great time, as always!

It's always easier to go back to the grind on Monday when you had such a nice weekend :)

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