Sunday, October 4, 2009


"Mumpkin" = Pumpkin in Jakespeak.

And he was able to see plenty of them at Schramm's Farm this morning.

Unfortunately for him, just as he was starting to really enjoy himself, he was totally betrayed by his beloved pumpkins when he tripped over a vine & fell face first into a huge pumpkin. He was a bit skeptical after that and I can't say that I blame him...his little mishap resulted in a bump on his head almost immediately.

Eventually, he forgot about the incident and ran around the farm....happy pumpkin season to everyone!!

PS~I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season the other day (I know, I'm late!)...ahhhhhhh, so worth the wait!!! Pure.Heaven.


  1. Aww, look at his big ol tears. Poor baby. Glad to see he rebounded quickly.

  2. I love how you guys got a picture of the crying. That is so something I would do. :) What a big guy Jake is getting to be!
