Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summertime...time to be laid back...

....and laid off, apparently. After more than 6 years with Pennsylvania Culinary Institute, I was laid off last week due to some corporate restructuring (we are owned by the company Career Education Corporation) and my position was eliminated. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty much a mess at first....this was my first job out of college, this was all that I knew. While I didn't always love my job, it was easy, I had a great boss & I really liked the people that I worked with. Those factors had been enough to make me stay.

Once I got over the initial shock, I dusted myself off, tended to my bruised ego & decided that there was nothing I could do about it (aside from collect unemployment of course...thank you to everyone who is legitimately employed for your generous donations toward my unemployment compensation). I'm really looking forward to taking advantage of this time with Jake; we have the rest of the summer to attend Story Hour, schedule playdates and just hang out.

In the meantime, I've started to get my resume together & check out some other jobs. I'm hoping this will be the start of something great and that getting laid off was just the push in the right direction that I needed to take a leap of faith & do something new. I did enjoy working in a college setting and as we all know, I have a huge place in my heart for Pitt, so I'm obsessively checking their website to see what they are hiring for and hoping that maybe something will come up there. Maybe. ;)


  1. Come to Pitt!!!!!! I'm pestering everyone I know in my department to see if anything is open:)

  2. You sound really positive about it. Something at Pitt would be awesome. There used to be a rideshare that went close to your house... but in the meantime, enjoy all your extra time with your sweet boy.
