Monday, June 22, 2009

Hostess with the Mostess

I consider myself to be a pretty frugal person; I clip coupons, I wait until there's a major sale to buy clothes, we don't go out to eat a lot and we just watch what we spend overall.

However, if we had ridiculous amounts of money and nothing else to spend it on, I think I would put it toward hosting parties. Not just parties that entail grabbing a case of Miller Light & some burgers from Sam's, no...I'm talking full out theme parties, complete with fabulous decor and food to match the theme and fresh flowers and little details that everyone talks about for months to come.

For one day out of the year, I get to pretend that I'm an amazing party planner when the time rolls around for our annual Luau. The good thing about a Luau is that part of its charm is the fact that it's cheesy; I mean, what's a luau without some hula dancer and palm tree centerpieces?

Everything with the luau was fine & dandy...until today that is. Today I logged on to the DrBabyMamaDrama blog where she had a link to another blog, the Hostess with the Mostess. I clicked on this link & I was directed to a magical website.

My skin got tingly. My heart started racing. I might have even blacked out for a few seconds, I can't remember. It was like the mother ship was calling me home. This blog entails everything I would ever want to do for a party and then some. I quickly got overstimulated....what do I look at first? The birthday party themes for future reference? (leaning toward this theme for the 2nd birthday party) The baby shower ideas, in case I ever have to throw one again? Graduation party ideas for 17 years from now? Cocktail recipes to serve at the luau in super cute glasses??

It's on. Like Donkey Kong. I might not have the time to be able to step it up this year, but I'm bringing my A-game next year for the luau.


  1. LOLOLOL! I will probably have bagfuls of the Martha Stewart tissue flowers for you to borrow, if you want them. I love that site!

  2. I'm not even going to look... I'm scared. :)

  3. That theme is adorable! And your description of your reaction to viewing the site cracked me up!
