Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is that a line?? Do you see a line??

That is what I was frantically asking Brian 2 years ago today after taking a pregnancy 6am, trying to wake him out of a dead sleep to examine the test. I'll spare you the pic of the actual test...but obviously you can take my word for it that there was indeed a line. We were beyond excited and the next few months were a whirlwind of morning sickness, nursery decorating, baby showers and all of that fun stuff. Before we knew it, I was waddling around with a big belly getting ready to give birth :)

Here is Jake one year ago this week:

And here he is this year:

Hard to believe that 2 years ago he was just a teeny, microscopic thing that we lovingly referred to as "Peanut" for so many months, anxiously awaiting his arrival. And now he's our loveable, funny and adorable little boy.


  1. From the title, I thought you had some news! You are such a tease.
    I was feeling reminiscent over EJ being little yesterday. They sure do grow up fast!

  2. Haha, I thought the same thing as Amanda did!

  3. How sweet! Jake looks like such a big boy! WOW. Not a baby anymore...

  4. Another one here thinking you had news too! Time is flying by and Jake is such a total cutie.

  5. Yep. Me too. Thought you were going to make an announcement.

  6. haha, sorry, I didn't even think of it being a false alarm with that title! sorry to disappoint, I was just thinking about how much had changed in 2 years & figured I'd post about it :)
