Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was full of flowers, good food and...rashes. Wait, what?? Let's start with the good stuff.

We had a great Mother's Day...after sleeping in (is it sad that 8am is now "sleeping in" to me??) I was spoiled rotten with a beautiful Clementis plant and a gift certificate to a day of pampering at the spa (I can't wait to use this!) Jake made me this beautiful card at school:

As well as this lovely surprise treat bag that was contained a muffin and orange juice for breakfast in bed :)

Unfortunately, as I mentioned, the day was also full of rashes. On Wednesday night, Jake started running a fever and after a visit to the pediatrician the next day, it was determined that it was a reaction to the MMR shot he had the week before. She also warned us that the fever is also sometimes followed by a rash...ok, no biggie, we've dealt with rashes before. We were not prepared for what we were about to see starting on Saturday!

So....the poor little guy has been really itchy and uncomfortable for two days now. After calling the pediatrician today to see if I could give him some Benydryl or something, she told me to go ahead and try that to see if we can ease the itchiness for now and call the office in the morning. That's where we stand for now, keep your fingers crossed that he gets better soon!!


  1. Aw... I hope Jake is feeling better soon. Poor little guy.

  2. EJ and Jake would have made quite a couple! Her rash last weekend was just as bad. I hope that Jake's "itchies" are better soon.

  3. Oh my goodness, poor little thing! Has he gotten better since? Other than the minor mishap of this little rash, looks like you had a great Mother's Day!

  4. Poor little guy. I really hope it starting to clear up for him.

    Oh, and I love the Pitt pictures in the previous posts. the boys just look so cute in front of the panther :)
