Monday, April 27, 2009

Baby, It's a Wild World

One of our Christmas presents from my parents was a zoo membership to the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium, which we used for the first time over the weekend. Of course, we decided to use it on a day that was almost 90 degrees (even in the morning hours!) but we still had a great time. I'll let the pictures do the talking.

The wagon worked out really well, we were able to get him in & out easily when he needed to be lifted up to see the animals...and as you can see, sometimes he wanted to walk & push the wagon (as he should, it was filled with all of his crap anyway!) :)

Jake definitely enjoyed the Monkey House and the Aquarium the best. While looking at the lemur display, one of the little buggers decided to jump right in front of the glass that Jake was standing in front of...he came out of nowhere & poor little man jumped about a foot off the ground and reached out to grab onto me. (he fared better than the little boy standing next to him who burst into hysterical tears)

There was a sting ray tunnel to crawl through...he made it out alive, phew!

I think trying to do the whole zoo in one morning when it was so hot out was a bit much to take on for our first time...we didn't end up making it to Kids Kingdom, so we'll be hitting that first during our next visit. Someone had a slight meltdown after we ate lunch, was a tired, sweaty mess and fell asleep as soon as he was buckled into his carseat :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys had a nice time! The first time I let Noah crawl through the sting ray tunnel, I about had a heart attack. For whatever reason I was so paranoid that he wouldnt' come out. I still make Walt stand at the exit, and I stand at the entrance and I don't relax until he comes out.

    I guess this is why Walt thinks I am holding him back! ;)
