Monday, March 9, 2009

A Visit to the BFF's.

My BFF and Jake's BFF that is! We went to visit the Martini Family in Virginia over the weekend & were very lucky to have gorgeous weather the whole time. We were able to take the boys on two walks and one trip to the park.

As you can see from this picture, Jake is still a binky thief (please note the look of sheer terror on poor Ben's face as he realizes what is about to happen)

It was also Dennis's birthday weekend, so Melissa & I walked to the local grocery store to get a cookie cake for later that night...after some uh, miscommunication at the bakery, this is what the cake ended up looking like:

But it tasted good, so that's all that matters...and we got a good laugh out of it. It was a great weekend, but always hard to return to Pittsburgh without Melissa, Dennis and Ben being with us. :(


  1. cute!! Looks like a great time. That cake is hysterical.

  2. ahhh how cute your two little families are!! ben looks adorable and of course jake always does:)
