Wednesday, March 25, 2009

But I don't wanna leave the playground!!

After returning from our road trip on Sunday, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather (and extended daylight hours) and walk down to the playground in our development. It's really the first time Jake has been able to play on the stuff and enjoy it....

After running around for awhile, swinging, sliding and giggling, it was time to go was getting late, we had been on the road all day and dinner and bathtime were drawing near. Try telling this to the 14 month old who was having so much fun, he threw a fit when we put him back in the stroller to go home.


  1. oh my goodness i just want to hug him in those last pictures. he looks so sad. but that is awesome how much fun he had-i think you will be going to the playground quite a bit this spring/summer!

  2. Enjoy! I love taking the twins out to the playground. They can't possibly get in trouble out there!
    Last summer, at that age, the W and R loved a pail and shovel -- they enjoyed digging in dirt/gravel/mulch all over the playground.Also -- have fun with him this year because, next summer when he is in the terrible twos, he will be coordinated and indpendent enough that he won't want you around. The twins shout at me GO! when I try to follow them around the playground.

  3. Can I just say that it's awesome you document Jake being sad? hahaha Great blackmail pictures for the future. :)

  4. just a warning, my two year old still hasn't come to terms with the fact that playground time has to end. God forbid we even drive past one on our way to someplace. In the words of Tina Fey "I want to go to there."
