Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Update

We had a somewhat eventful weekend (eventful for us anyway!)....Saturday night, we went over to have dinner with our friends Neal & Whitney. They quickly got a crash course in babyproofing once we unleashed Jake into their home :) They were also nice enough to get Jake birthday presents, even though they had been unable to make it to his party. Here is he hanging with them & enjoying his new gifts:

By Sunday, we had a lot of snow on the ground but it was pretty warm that day, so we decided to head outside & let the kids play in the snow.

After feeling embarassed about the shirt that I put on her, Gracie spent the rest of the time outside running around like a maniac and sticking her face directly into the snow. I'm not sure what she was hoping to accomplish.

Jake went down our very small hill twice on the sled with Brian...the 1st time he seemed ok ...the second time, not so much. So that was the end of the sled riding for the day.

After that, we came in & got everyone dried off and settled...we then spent the rest of the day hanging out & getting ready for the Super Bowl that night....stay tuned for the next post about that :)


  1. I love Jake in that big red snow suit! We meant to take Cori out on Sunday but ran out of time. Wonder why Jake didn't like it the second time?!

  2. Oh awesome! Meg's new favorite game is having me pull her around on a blanket all through the house. Maybe Jake just needs more seld-ridign "practice". haha
