Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Walk this way....

We officially have a walker. Back in October, Jake took his first few wobbly steps and has continued to work on his walking skills ever since then. But this past Monday (around 11.5 months old) after months of practicing, he pulled himself up on a chair, turned around & started walking around the room as if he had been doing it all along....and he hasn't stopped since!!!

We captured his new talent on camera last night...as you can see in the video, he LOVES to be chased...if he's walking around & you tell him "I'm gonna get you...you'd better run!" he giggles so much and takes off in a panic.

please note that his shirt says "Lady Killer"-awesome gift from Brian's friend Kate!

At the end of the video, we try to get him to show off his other new talent, waving & saying "bye bye" but he doesn't cooperate this time around :)


  1. He's sooooo good at walking already! YAY Jake! good job! way to keep a secret too ;-)

  2. Oh my gosh! That belly laugh! He's a doll. And an excellent walker! Go Jake!

  3. I LOVE IT!!! I think I want his laugh as my ringtone!

  4. Team Clancy---get your hubby to draw up some type of contract where you pay me royalties and you can totally have his laugh as your ringtone :)

  5. That's so cute! Way to go Jake!

  6. Emmy, that is awesome! Look at that little man GO! Congrats to Jake!

  7. That is AWESOME. He's so good! Congratulations!!

  8. GO Jake! It's like he's been walking forever! What a cutie! His laugh is the best : )
