Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Next Bachelorette??

After swearing up and down that he was not going to watch this season of "The Bachelor", Brian cracked and couldn't resist when I turned it on the other night. We agreed on a few things.

This girl had strange teeth that were waaaaaaaay too white (and she was stalker-esque):

Doesn't it kind of remind you of that episode of "Friends" where Ross bleaches his teeth so much they glow in the dark??

We couldn't imagine leaving our 14 month old baby to do a reality TV show, like this girl (from Pittsburgh!) did:

But the highlight of the evening came from the look on the face of one of the girls...a bizarre twist of her lips and opening of her eyes that was just begging for mockery. So like any normal happily married couple might do on a Friday night, we paused the DVR, got out the camera & took pictures of me doing my best "Bachelorette" impression.


  1. There is no such thing as teeth that are too white.

  2. ha ha ha ha!

    Someone left her toddler to participate?!?! Wow... maybe I should watch the drama unfold....

  3. You crack me up! I heard there was a single mom from the area that was on, but I had no idea her child was that young. I cannot imagine leaving my baby for a game show!

  4. two are worse than we were in college!

  5. hahahha that's pretty good! every time they showed her, we were like ah man, such a goofy face! haha. too funny you guys paused and got out the camera to do it! haha glad you got Brian watching!!
