Tuesday, December 30, 2008

You better watch out, you better not cry....

Jake is not familiar with the instructions in the "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" lyrics just yet....there were many tears when Santa came to town (well, when he came to the local mall) I didn't have high hopes for the Santa visit, since it seems to be a rite of passage to look terrified on the lap of the big guy....that combined with the fact that Jake has recently entered the "I want mommy" stage in a big way, my expectations were pretty low. Here we are in line, giving Jake a pep talk and letting him know that Santa doesn't bite:

Unfortunately, they didn't let you take your own pictures unless you purchased a package from them (the cheapest picture being $15 for a 4x6...highway robbery if you ask me!) so Brian's dad had to lurk around in front of Santa's workshop and secretly snap some shots (we were hoping no one would mistake him for a creepy child stalker and have him removed from the mall....if that were to happen, we already had it planned out that we would just pretend to not know him to save ourselves the embarrassment and meet him in the car later) So anyway-since he couldn't get very close, we only got one shot of Jake first getting on Santa's lap, before the waterworks started.

We'll have to see how it goes next year!!


  1. ok i almost peed myself when i read you writing about brian's dad hiding and you hoping he wasn't mistaken for a creepy guy! lol. i loved reading about your holiday! sounds like a wonderful time-minus the candle drippage!

  2. That is so funny about Brian's dad! hahaha The prices of those photos are ridiculous!

  3. That is hysterical...was that Santa Mr. Ray?
